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    [ NYCU News ] Our research team has developed a graphene neural probe chip for the treatment of depression, which has been successfully published in an international journal.

    陽明交大表示,生物醫學工程學系教授陳右穎團隊,以其開發出的石墨烯神經探針晶片技術,與國際醫材大廠亞培(Abbott)合作證實,深腦電刺激(deep brain stimulation, DBS)可以顯著改善動物憂鬱行為。此項研究為憂鬱症的深腦刺激治療提供更多科學證據,有助進一步擬定治療策略,此研究已發布於《Neurobiology of Stress》。陳右穎團隊將晶片植入大腦多巴胺迴路之伏隔核(nucleus accumbens, NAc)腦區,進行深腦電刺激。結果發現,不僅觀察到動物的動機能力提升與憂鬱行為降低,其大腦磁振造影也顯示,多巴胺迴路功能連結強化;並確認以電刺激伏隔核,可促進腦內神經滋養因子生成,改善憂鬱症造成的神經細胞粒線體功能低落。
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    Congratulations to our college for receiving two Future Technology Awards for the year 2022!

    Technical Name : Intra-needle ultrasound anesthesia probe system
    Team from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University : Professor Hui-Hwa Chiang
    Team from Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Anesthesiology Department : Dr. Fu-Wei Su, Dr. Chien-Kun Ting

    Technical Name : Ear Scale App Hearing Screening System: Early Detection of Hidden Hearing Loss for Early Treatment
    Team from Taipei Veterans General Hospital : Dr. Wen-Huei Liao, Dr.Yuan-chia Chu
    Team from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University : Professor Ying-Hui Lai
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    [ NYCU News ] NYCU's AI Brain Tumor Detection Receives TFDA Approval, Becoming the First Domestic Multitumor Smart Medical Device

    陽明交大AI腦瘤偵測獲TFDA批准 國內首款 多腦瘤智慧醫材



    推動醫療器材商品化的陽明交大創新醫材轉譯研發中心主任林峻立教授表示,大學常是醫材設計研發的火車頭,但過去只有業者才能申請查驗登記,影響商品化的時程。林峻立進一步表示,《醫療器材管理法》鬆綁後,讓大學除了研發外也可以兼為醫材業者,有益促成更多研發成果商品化,朝臨床落地應用的目標邁進。陽明交大表示,創新醫材轉譯研發中心今年4月才以3D列印下顎骨板技術,通過食藥署「醫療器材品質管理系統」(Quality Management System, 簡稱QMS)。陽明交大成為同時擁有醫材品質管理系統,第一級與第二級醫材許可的首間大學。林峻立表示,為了提升大學醫材研發品質,替民間創造價值與技轉機會,陽明交大將先以醫用軟體及輔具醫材為主軸,藉由臨床驗證、法規、品質確認及商業化的一條龍服務,協助加速醫材開發,建構各類型產品的QMS,並取得查驗登記。
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    [ NYCU News ] The First in Taiwan: Nurturing International Cross-Disciplinary Talent in the Field of Light at NYCU's Institute of Biophotonics, Focusing on Medical Applications for Two Decades.

    全臺首家 匯聚照進醫療應用的「光」
    陽明交大生醫光電所 培育國際化跨域人才20載


    延續兩兆雙星政策 全臺第一家生醫光電所
    生醫光電將迎10年快速進展  人才培育刻不容緩!
    郭文娟表示,陽明交大生醫光電所從一開始沒有自己的專任師資,逐年新聘各領域優秀師資加入,發展至今已成熟茁壯。在陽明交大完成合校後,所上已經開放雙邊課程的學分承認,還設立了生醫光電資跨域學程(BIT Program),以及數位醫療學士學位學程,目的就是同時為大學部的學生營造充分的跨領域學習環境。「希望在未來短期內,我們能夠持續強化既有的優勢研究領域,包括前瞻生醫影像與精準感測,並推動生醫結合光電、物理、化學及AI等跨領域新興科技及研究。」郭文娟說。在更長遠的未來,陽明交大生醫光電所希望透過強調在地連結、深化國際合作的方式,繼續精進創新基礎科學研究與轉型醫療光電及產業應用。「生醫光電領域有望在未來十年、乃至以後持續快速增長,而整合性之跨領域科技人才的培育,更顯得重要及刻不容緩。」郭文娟說。


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    [ NYCU News ] Leading in the Field of Radiological Sciences for Medical Materials and Drug Development in Taiwan - National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Department of Radiological Sciences



    全臺最早成立系所  培育醫放高階人才
    扎實跨領域學習  多元選修更進階
    診斷/治療×醫材/藥物  研究題材廣
    未來出路多元  產學合作探職涯
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    Our school's innovative smart medical device research and development achievements have been honored with the "2023 i-CREATe Global Student Innovation Assistive Technology Competition" Gold Medal Award.

    Supported by the Medical Device Innovation and Translational Center and the College of Biomedical Engineering at our university, and under the guidance of Professor 賴穎暉 from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, a research team composed of five students —張育哲, 鍾伃晴, 單婉菱, 張書寧 and 張舒喬—participated in the 16th 2023 Global Student Innovation Challenge - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, held in Thailand.

    Amid fierce competition from 33 teams worldwide, the team stood out with their outstanding performance and won the Gold Award in the Technical Category. The award was personally presented by Princess King Kanitthathiraj Chao, a member of the Thai royal family.

    The team’s competition project was the Dysarthria Voice Conversion (DVC) System, which integrates three core technologies: patient-like data generation, automatic speech recognition (ASR), and text-to-speech (TTS). Collaborating with APrevent Medical Ltd, the team successfully developed an innovative assistive communication device. This device can instantly convert the speech of individuals with dysarthria, significantly improving the clarity of their speech and enhancing their quality of life, helping them regain confidence in speaking.

    Professor Ying-Hui Lai expressed heartfelt gratitude to the university and the Ministry of Education's Cross-Disciplinary Talent Cultivation Program for the Precision Health Industry for their resource support. This support allowed the team to systematically learn about the development of intelligent medical devices and enabled their research results to be applied in practice, fostering innovation in the precision health industry.

    The outstanding team has gained valuable cross-disciplinary competition experience, strengthened innovative thinking, and enhanced their international competitiveness by participating in domestic and international contests. Professor Lai also acknowledged the selfless guidance of the industry mentors involved in the program, as well as the dedication and effort of the team members. He hopes that more current students and alumni will take part in this series of enriching training programs.

    For more details, please refer to the official website of Thailand: [Insert Website Link or Specific Details].
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    Congratulations to our school for "Speak Up for Dysarthria" for winning the gold medal in the "2023 i-CREATe Global Student Innovation Assistive Device Competition"

    Our school takes great pride in the Medical Device Innovation and Translation Center as well as the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Under the mentorship of Associate Professor Ying-Hui Lai, a team composed of 張育哲、鍾伃晴、單婉菱、張書寧, and 張舒喬 participated in the '2023 Global Student Innovation Challenge - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology' held in Thailand ,bringing great honor to our school .

    The project of the team focuses on the topic of "Dysarthria Voice Conversion" collaborated with the company APrevent Medical to successfully develop an innovative communication aid. This device not only assists dysarthric patients in improving their vocal expression but also significantly enhances their efficiency in communication, and further promotes their  speech communication abilities. Students from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University stood out among the fierce competition from 33 participating teams worldwide, and won the gold medal. The award was presented by Princess King Kanitthathiraj Chao from Thailand's royal family in person.

    The core technology of the "Dysarthria Voice Conversion (DVC)" project comprises three main parts: patient-like data generation technology (data augmentation), automatic speech recognition, and text-to-speech conversion. Additionally, our entry takes a step further by proposing the utilization of optical sensing technology to reduce the required vocal effort for patients, thereby achieving a more effortless communication in real-time experience.

    Based on the current experimental results, our proposed DVC system demonstrates superior conversion capabilities, leading to a significant improvement in the clarity of patients' speech. This finding clearly indicates that the DVC system we introduced in this competition holds the potential to assist patients with speech disorders in enhancing communication effectiveness, further improving their quality of life.

    It is worth mentioning that President 林奇宏 gave unwavering support in the "Ministry of Education's Interdisciplinary Talent Development Program in the Precision Health Industry - Smart Medical Devices Field." This program not only encompasses well-designed educational courses on medical device development but also covers both theoretical and practical aspects. Participating students can systematically and effectively learn comprehensive product development methods, enterprise operational planning, as well as innovative and entrepreneurial logical thinking. Professor Lai expressed deep gratitude for the selfless guidance provided by the course instructors and commended the team members for their dedication and efforts. He looks forward to the participation of more current students and alumni in this enriching training program.
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    Signing Ceremony between the College and Walailak University of Thailand on June 9, 2023.

    Signing Ceremony Between the College of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and the School of Allied Health Sciences, Walailak University, Thailand ( 47 Visitors )
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    [ NYCU News ] National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University College of Biomedical and Engineering: Transforming Traditional Higher Education through EMI.

    陽明交大生醫工程學院 EMI翻轉傳統高教

    跟隨國家「2030雙語政策」,教育部自2021年啟動「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」,致力於推動「英語授課」(English as a Medium of Instruction, EMI),以強化學生的英語能力。

    EMI成翻轉高教契機 突破傳統教與學
    EMI修課人數搶先達標 師生回饋正向
    打造雙語學院環境 接軌國際

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    [ NYCU News ] Valuing Advanced Research Talent: Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Introduces the "PhD Scholarship Package".

    重視高階研究人才 陽明交大推出「博」學大禮包







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    【Summer Internship Application Deadline: May 22 (Monday)】 Multisensory Smart Healthcare: Collaboration between X Foundation, X Technology Company, ICT, and Semiconductor Industries.

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    [ NYCU News ] Pioneering in Asia: Integrating the "T Program" into the 6-Year Curriculum - Comprehensive Training to Cultivate Experts in "Problem Solving with Technology".

    率先亞洲 6年制「DPT學程」 輔助科技納入必修陽明交大

    人口老化日益嚴重,民眾健康意識抬頭,「物理治療」成為預防醫學與健康促進的重要角色。陽明交通大學物理治療暨輔助科技學系自1988年成立以來應趨勢需求與時俱進,為國內首創將「物理治療」與「輔助科技」結合的學系,2016年更為了讓物理治療師有獨當一面執業的領導能力,率先亞洲各國,轉型招生六年制物理治療學士學位課程(Doctor of Physical Therapy),並新增物理治療鑑別診斷、臨床決策分析等必修課程,以接軌國際。

    導入工程、科技師資  實現復健精準醫療
    六年制物理治療教育  接軌國際
    凝聚師資  合作取得建教計畫