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    Department of Biotechnology and Lab Science in Medicine

    Department of Biotechnology and Lab Science in Medicine

    Goals and Degree Programs – Our department, established in1979, offers BSc, MSc, PhD degree programs for students who are interested in becoming a medical technologist, academic or industrial research scientist, professor, public servant, etc.

    Curriculum – The four-year undergraduate program provides extensive basic and clinical science and biotechnology trainings, research opportunities, and twenty-weeks clinical internship in three of the best local medical centers (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Mackay Memorial Hospital, and Veterans General Hospital). In addition to course work requirements, MSc and PhD students are actively involved in research supported by government or private grants and core facilities with state-of-the-art equipment such as Illumina HiSeq next generation sequencer, LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometer, flow cytometer, confocal microscope, etc.

    Faculties and Research Interests – A total of 13 full-time professors and 6 adjunct/affiliate professors are involved in undergraduate and graduate teachings and supervise students’ research. Besides, four affiliated professors and numerous senior medical technologists supervise the undergraduate internship in hospitals. Our faculties have diverse research interests in cancer biology, drug discovery, immune and metabolic diseases, immune therapy, microbial genetics, genomics, resistance and host interactions, proteomics, protein engineering, and virology. (For more details, please visit our website: bin/home.php)

    Tuition and fees – Highly affordable annual tuition and fees for domestic and overseas Chinese undergraduate and graduate students (~USD 2,000) as well as students from China and other countries (~USD 4,000).
    Scholarships and financial aids – Scholarships and financial aids are available for students with excellent academic/research performances and those from low income families.

    Student Exchange Programs – Research or coursework oriented students exchange programs are available in sister or collaborating universities in Asia, Europe, and USA.
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    Department of Biomedical Engineering

    Department of Biomedical Engineering

    What is Biomedical Engineering?
    The main focus of biomedical engineering is to apply scientific and engineering principles to the grand area of biomedicine for the improvement of clinical diagnosis, therapy, daily health care and overall well-being of humans. The biomedical engineering also provides tools and solutions for fundamental researches in biomedicine.
    Biomedical engineering is a highly interdisciplinary field; it requires students to have both general knowledge and professional forte for the job market. Through a flexible curriculum design, we encourage students to develop their expertise according to their own interests As the human centric nature of biomedicine is, all our graduates are expected to be competent, enthusiastic, and confident with a broad humanistic mind.
    Education Program*:

    Required course hours to graduate

    Bachelor of Science (BS)
    131 (97 required+34 elective course units)

    Master of Science (MS)
    30 (8 seminar+16 course units)

    18 (4 seminar+14 course units)

    *Please check the website for details.

    Faculty and Research
    There are 15 full time faculty members in the department of BME. All have Ph.D degrees in relevant areas. The main research fields include: medical electronics, biomechanics and biological materials. Some detailed topics are shown as follows:

    【Areas of Research】
    Medical Electronics
    • Digital Image Processing
    • Biophotonic and Ultrasounics
    • Internet  Computing
    • Neuroscience and Neuroengiueering  
    • Cell-Based Biosensor
    • Neuroimaging

    • Orthopaedic Biomechanics
    • Rehablition Engineering  
    • Computer Aided Engineering
    • Plasma & Soft Matter
    • Cell Mechanics

    Biological Materials
    • Tissue engineering & drug delivery
    • Surface and Interfacial Engineering of Biomaterials
    • Nano-biomaterials  
    • Biopolymer
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    Department of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology

    Department of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology

    Inter-disciplinary research in physical therapy and assistive technology: Our faculty established ten well-equipped laboratories to investigate physical therapy and assistive technology research questions in a broad range of disciplines including biomechanics, health science, exercise science, neurophysiology, and mechatronics. The department receives funding from Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan and other agencies to support research on topics such as neural rehabilitation, musculoskeletal and sports injuries, long-term care, health promotion, early intervention for children with disabilities, development of national services of assistive technology, 3D printing and smart devices.
    6-year DPT program: Our department provides two research programs (Ph.D. and M.S.) and a 6-year undergraduate professional program (Doctor of Physical Therapy, DPT).  Our DPT program offers courses to establish strong science and medicine foundation in the first 2 years, followed by professional courses physical therapy and assistive technology in 3rd and 4th years.  After clinical internship in the 5th year, students can select specialty area for advanced courses and training in the 6th year.
    Physical Therapy Clinic: Led by our faculty members, our clinic provides physical therapy service to the members of our university, and is our clinical education and training center.
    International connection: Our department has international exchange program with our sister departments.  Currently, our students take courses and obtain international internship experience in our sister departments and institutes in Europe, North America and Asia.
    Teaching quality and student support: Our faculty members are devoted to teaching and our department has a long tradition mentoring system for undergraduate and graduate students.  Individual faculty members and our department have been awarded for best teaching and mentoring in the university.

    Founded in 1988
    Programs offered:
    1. Doctor of Physical Therapy (6 years)
    2. Graduate level: MS and PhD degrees
    Student Faculty Ratio: 21.38 %
    Location: Research Building
    【Contact information】
    Tel: (02) 2821-0271
    Fax: (02) 2820-1841
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    Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences

    Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences

    Our Mission:

    To create and nurture a diverse community of the best people committed to leadership in biomedical imaging and radiological science.
    To cultivate the best radiologists with specialized abilities and interpersonal skills.

    Dynamic Learning Environment
    Classroom learning is only the beginning of education experience. Working with faculty mentors to cultivate filed-based projects, you will gain hands-on, diverse learning opportunities.
    Our learning methods:

    Seminars and Conferences
    Team-based learning
    Field trips
    Clinical practice

    Most of our students receive scholarships
    We are committed to enrolling highly talented, diverse and international student. Scholarship support is available to help achieve these goals. We offer a variety of scholarship opportunities to students who need financial support.

    Research Opportunities
    Research is a core component of our programs and is greatly enjoyed and valued by students. There are plenty of resources such as core facilities available to help work on research projects.
    Core Facilities:

    Genome Sequencing
    Microarray and Gene Expression
    Molecular & Genetic Imaging Core
    Nano Bio Technology

    Comprehensive Curriculum
    We offer a wide variety of courses to study. There are four areas of specialization including medical physics, medical imaging, radiation biology, and nuclear medical pharmacology. The program focuses on educating students to be properly equipped for successful careers in academic departments, major medical imaging instrumentation manufacturers and in major medical research hospitals and clinics.

    International Activities
    We are intended to ensure that students are able to thrive in global competition, while at the same time benefiting the international community as a whole through collaboration with the world's leading institutions aiming at creating new knowledge for humankind.

    Unique Students Life
    As a student in our department, you will take part in a vast array of co-curricular activities that enhance and complement the academic experience by exploring interests beyond academics.

    Sports facilities
    Clubs and organizations
    Library resources
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    Institute of Biophotonics National Yang-Ming University

    Institute of Biophotonics
    Biophotonics has become one of the fastest growing disciplines in many countries. Biophotonics is the science of generating and harnessing light to image, detect and manipulate biological materials, particularly for live specimen in a non-invasive configuration. The goal is to apply electronic and photonic techniques in diagnoses, cure, and manipulation of biomaterials. We are active in cutting edge research fields such as optical tweezers, fluorescence lifetime imaging, molecular dynamics simulations, nanomaterial based biosensors and biomedical applications, near field optical, and super resolution microscopy, photon therapy, optical coherence tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, and the brain-computer interface for clinical applications.

    The History
    The Institute of Biophotonics at National Yang-Ming University, and the corresponding Master program was established in the fall of 2002. The PhD program followed in 2007 in an effort to catch up with the now fast evolving discipline of biophotonics in Taiwan. The institute is strongly supported by the vibrant academic environment within the University and its vicinity, which form one of the best bio-medical research complexes in Taiwan, and Asia. In the last decade, from this institute students graduated with interdisciplinary skills in optical electronics, and biomedicine. Students are recruited in diverse industries including those of optical, electronics, and medical materials, as well as other research centers.

    Courses feature
    The main objective in designing the courses at the Institute of Biophotonics is to train students to become interdisciplinary experts. As the Institute was established as a graduate institute of applied sciences, we are engaged in applying photonic technologies to biomedical research.
    As the admitted students are from different majors in their undergraduate education, some of them may not have sufficient biomedical knowledge (pure science and engineering background), and some of them may not be familiar with photonic technology (pure biomedical background). To initiate them into the interdisciplinary order, we offer an introductory course "Introduction to Biophotonics" for all the students. In this course, students will learn important aspects of biophotonics & biomedical optics, so that they can become conversant and aware of the basic principles and the current trend of this rapidly developing field. On the other hand, we offer a multitude of elective courses for specific and deeper insights into the   electronic optical or biomedical field.

    International exchange activities

    Invited experts from home and abroad to speech and teach without fixed schedule.
    Professors and students usually attend to international academic seminars.
    Having student exchange agreement with Nara Institute of Science and Technology, University of Ottawa and University of California, San Diego.

    Dual MS and PHD degrees

    The Institute has a bilateral double degree contract with Université de technologie de Troyes (UTT) which is located in French.

    After graduation
    Areas of employment of students from the
    Institute of Biophotonics.