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[ NYCU News ] The First in Taiwan: Nurturing International Cross-Disciplinary Talent in the Field of Light at NYCU's Institute of Biophotonics, Focusing on Medical Applications for Two Decades.
[ NYCU News ] Leading in the Field of Radiological Sciences for Medical Materials and Drug Development in Taiwan - National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Department of Radiological Sciences
Our school's innovative smart medical device research and development achievements have been honored with the "2023 i-CREATe Global Student Innovation Assistive Technology Competition" Gold Medal Award.
由本校創新醫材轉譯研發中心與生物醫學暨工程學院所支持,在醫工系賴穎暉教授指導下,由醫工系張育哲、鍾伃晴、單婉菱、張書寧及張舒喬五位同學組成的研究團隊,參加第16屆於泰國舉辦的「2023全球復健工程與輔具科技學生創新挑戰賽(Global Student Innovation Challenge-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology)」。在全球33支參賽隊伍的激烈競爭中,以卓越的表現脫穎而出,榮獲技術組金牌獎優異成績,並由泰國皇室成員King Kanitthathiraj Chao公主親自頒獎。
本次團隊參與競賽的作品為「Dysarthria Voice Conversion (DVC)構音障礙語音轉換系統」,整合了三項核心技術,包括類患者資料生成技術、自動語音辨識以及文字轉語音,並與宇康生科(APrevent Medical Ltd)攜手合作,成功開發出一款創新的溝通輔具。這項輔具能夠即時將構音障礙患者所說的語音進行轉換,大幅提升語音的清晰度,進而提升構音障礙患者的生活品質,重拾「說」的自信。
Congratulations to our school for "Speak Up for Dysarthria" for winning the gold medal in the "2023 i-CREATe Global Student Innovation Assistive Device Competition"
Our school takes great pride in the Medical Device Innovation and Translation Center as well as the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Under the mentorship of Associate Professor Ying-Hui Lai, a team composed of 張育哲、鍾伃晴、單婉菱、張書寧, and 張舒喬 participated in the '2023 Global Student Innovation Challenge - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology' held in Thailand ,bringing great honor to our school .
The project of the team focuses on the topic of "Dysarthria Voice Conversion" collaborated with the company APrevent Medical to successfully develop an innovative communication aid. This device not only assists dysarthric patients in improving their vocal expression but also significantly enhances their efficiency in communication, and further promotes their speech communication abilities. Students from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University stood out among the fierce competition from 33 participating teams worldwide, and won the gold medal. The award was presented by Princess King Kanitthathiraj Chao from Thailand's royal family in person.
The core technology of the "Dysarthria Voice Conversion (DVC)" project comprises three main parts: patient-like data generation technology (data augmentation), automatic speech recognition, and text-to-speech conversion. Additionally, our entry takes a step further by proposing the utilization of optical sensing technology to reduce the required vocal effort for patients, thereby achieving a more effortless communication in real-time experience.
Based on the current experimental results, our proposed DVC system demonstrates superior conversion capabilities, leading to a significant improvement in the clarity of patients' speech. This finding clearly indicates that the DVC system we introduced in this competition holds the potential to assist patients with speech disorders in enhancing communication effectiveness, further improving their quality of life.
It is worth mentioning that President 林奇宏 gave unwavering support in the "Ministry of Education's Interdisciplinary Talent Development Program in the Precision Health Industry - Smart Medical Devices Field." This program not only encompasses well-designed educational courses on medical device development but also covers both theoretical and practical aspects. Participating students can systematically and effectively learn comprehensive product development methods, enterprise operational planning, as well as innovative and entrepreneurial logical thinking. Professor Lai expressed deep gratitude for the selfless guidance provided by the course instructors and commended the team members for their dedication and efforts. He looks forward to the participation of more current students and alumni in this enriching training program.
[ NYCU News ] National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University College of Biomedical and Engineering: Transforming Traditional Higher Education through EMI.
陽明交大生醫工程學院 EMI翻轉傳統高教
跟隨國家「2030雙語政策」,教育部自2021年啟動「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」,致力於推動「英語授課」(English as a Medium of Instruction, EMI),以強化學生的英語能力。
【Summer Internship Application Deadline: May 22 (Monday)】 Multisensory Smart Healthcare: Collaboration between X Foundation, X Technology Company, ICT, and Semiconductor Industries.
[ NYCU News ] Pioneering in Asia: Integrating the "T Program" into the 6-Year Curriculum - Comprehensive Training to Cultivate Experts in "Problem Solving with Technology".
人口老化日益嚴重,民眾健康意識抬頭,「物理治療」成為預防醫學與健康促進的重要角色。陽明交通大學物理治療暨輔助科技學系自1988年成立以來應趨勢需求與時俱進,為國內首創將「物理治療」與「輔助科技」結合的學系,2016年更為了讓物理治療師有獨當一面執業的領導能力,率先亞洲各國,轉型招生六年制物理治療學士學位課程(Doctor of Physical Therapy),並新增物理治療鑑別診斷、臨床決策分析等必修課程,以接軌國際。