Research Center

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    Biomedical Engineering Research and Development Center

    Focusing on academic research as the foundation and industrial and clinical applications as the core, we integrate the interdisciplinary R&D capabilities of our School of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering and other internal and external partners. We engage in cutting-edge, innovative medical device fundamental research and foster collaboration in industry, healthcare, academia, and research for product development and talent cultivation, jointly creating high-quality innovative medical devices.

    Basic Science
    Personnel Cultivation
    Translational Medicine
    Innovative Medical Devices
    Multi-Disciplinary Academy-Industry Collaborations


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    ICF and Assistive Technology Research Center

    In 2001, ROC Ministry of Interior entrusted the establishment & management of CATR@P to “Research Center on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and Assistive Technology (RICFAT)” of National Yang-Ming University. The center’s competent authority was changed to “Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health & Welfare” due to reorganization of the Executive Yuan in July, 2013. CATR@P serves central and local governments and the society by providing professional consultation in terms of services, research, development and application of AT related to welfare, long-term care, special education, job accommodation, healthcare, and rehabilitation, and by assisting in policy making. CATR@P contributes to the achievement of central and local governments of building up the network of local AT centers all around the nation and provides seamless support for enhancing AT services. The most important thing is to establish great infrastructure for the society. CATR@P “Think Globally, Act Locally” and wish Taiwan experience of AT services soon will be seen by the world.